Applying Fertiliser – Key Information
When can it be applied?
Fertiliser should be applied when the grass plants are actively growing. If it is applied when the plants are not actively growing it will not be taken up by the plant and will leech away into the soil. It is important to also avoid times when the grass plants may be under high stress or have entered dormancy, i.e. during periods of drought as this can cause damage to plant.
What is the application rate?
The application rate will vary from one product to another. The application rate will be stated on the bag. Please only apply at the recommended rate.
Should I water it in?
Yes, fertiliser should be watered in immediately after application or alternatively applied at a time when rainfall is imminent. This will allow the granules to begin to dissolve and remove any dust or particles that are still in contact with the plant leaf, reducing the likelihood of it scorching. Failure to water in fertiliser can result in grass being scorched and dying.
Do I have to keep children and pets off?
Yes, until the fertiliser has been thoroughly watered or washed in and the granules are no longer visible.
Can I spread it by hand or should I use a spreader?
No, we recommend that you do not apply fertiliser by hand and instead use a fertiliser spreader. A fertiliser spreader will ensure an even application, whereas applying by hand can lead to overapplications which could scorch and kill existing grass.
Using a spreader
When using a fertiliser spreader, it is advised to apply the product in two directions to achieve a more even coverage. The below diagram from our spreader supplier, Evergreen, illustrates and describes how this should be done.

Spreader Passes, credit Evergreen Garden Care UK.
Are there any precautions I should take?
- Fertilisers can stain stone/concrete surfaces and cause metals to rust. Please ensure that any such areas are brushed clean and washed off if fertiliser has come into contact with them.
- If the ground is damp, fertiliser can stick to footwear and spreader wheels and be transferred to other areas. Please be aware of this and wash of as required to prevent transferring to other surfaces i.e. patios and causing staining.
- Fertiliser can irritate and cause damage to skin and eyes. It is recommended to wear protective gloves and suitable eye/face protection. Hands should be washed thoroughly after handling. If on skin wash with plenty of water. If on eyes rinse with water for several minutes, remove contact lenses if present and able to do. If in eyes or if skin irritation occurs, seek medical advice from a doctor.
For further guidance, please email us at